
Organizations find success when they have strong leaders with a vision for the future who can inspire and motivate others. Although leaders do not directly define an organization or area, they are responsible for ensuring that employees work to their highest potential. No matter which industry speaks to you, the management and leadership program will provide you with the skills necessary to work in a variety of roles from department managers and project managers to CEOs.

“My mission is to make others’ lives better. My major allows me to turn my mission into a career.”



About the 管理与领导 Major

Leading a company isn’t typically the first step on a career path. 但, if you work hard to build a solid foundation and strong relationships when you begin your career, you can reach that goal with the skills you learn in 博天堂官方入口登陆登录’s management and leadership program.

对于领导者来说,没有哪两天是完全一样的. There are many unique opportunities to make an impact by addressing challenges, maximizing opportunities and implementing processes that will better an organization or team. 要想成功, you need to understand how companies operate and the complex issues that occur both within, 在金融等领域也是如此, 市场营销, 人力资源, 供应或政策. We offer courses that provide both the depth and breadth of knowledge today’s employers are looking for and the skills that prepare you for advancement in a variety of organizations.

Organizations also need individuals to manage the day-to-day needs associated with business operations. Managers fill that role by finding ways to do things more efficiently and effectively while achieving the goals a leader may have set forth. If you enjoy coaching and mentoring others and your organizational skills are top notch, a role in a managerial position may be in your future. And the skills you gain from our program will benefit your career over a lifetime—from entry level to more senior positions.

Our program exceeds expectations with multiple opportunities to apply what students learn in real-world settings right in our community. 在你的很多课程中, you’ll work independently or in groups to organize projects that support local businesses or act as a consultant to analyze a company’s needs. You’ll also fine tune your public speaking and presentation techniques with each course as you present your findings to classmates or even leaders at the organizations you prepare projects for. This type of real world experience helps you build relationships in the community, complements your classroom work and adds to your professional skillset. That provides you with a competitive edge as you begin your job search.

研究生s of the program work in a variety of organizations, from small businesses to non-profit organizations and international companies. Whether you choose to enter the corporate world or run your own business, this program will prepare you for success at any level.

Carroll also offers a management and leadership minor that complements many areas of study.


We help you build real world experience, explore careers and network with professionals through internship opportunities. Recent placements include the following companies:

  • 沃克夏县土地管理委员会
  • 大沃克夏县的基督教青年会
  • BRX性能
  • Penzoil
  • 人力资源商业伙伴有限责任公司
  • 通用电力系统
  • 米勒电气制造
  • Association of Equipment Manufacturers
  • 哈马赫研究组
  • 大学密尔沃基办事处.S. 参议员塔米·鲍德温


College is a big investment in a bright future. Learn more about the industries and careers our majors pursue, and the workplaces and experiences of the alumni from our program. 看看你的心会带你去哪里.






博天堂官方入口登陆登录是 AACSB 国际-The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

AACSB 国际 is a global association of leaders in education and business dedicated to supporting and advancing quality business and education worldwide. 通过会员, 认证, 研究, 思想领导, 列队行进的发展, 和宣传, AACSB合作伙伴超过1家,500个组织, 来自全球90多个国家. Membership or participation in the Global Education Alliance does not imply 认证.

“Carroll’s rich extracurricular life has allowed me to explore my passions and figure out who I am.”

——艾米丽·狄德里希 '20


